The Westwood Police Department Traffic Bureau’s primary purpose is to ensure pedestrian and motorist safety throughout the Borough of Westwood. Traffic Bureau responsibilities include traffic enforcement, fatal/serious injury crash investigations, road side safety checks, intoxicated driver saturation patrols, and public awareness of traffic laws.
The Traffic Bureau’s primary responsibility is to reduce traffic collisions within the Borough of Westwood. We accomplish this through enforcement of traffic laws and high visibility. It has been shown and proven in studies throughout the United States that the amount of traffic enforcement directly affects the amount and severity of traffic collisions. Certain areas are chosen for supplemental enforcement due to a rise in the number of crashes in that area, and/or complaints received about the area. Aggressive traffic enforcement has also been found to be a contributing factor in crime reduction.
The Traffic Bureau has trained accident re-construction investigators who respond in cases of serious or fatal crashes as well as trained traffic control specialists who review construction projects for their impact on travel throughout the borough.